Art Elements

                                                                        Lioness Statue


    The white stone statue was carved by Dominic Benhura who is an artist from Zimbabwe, who spent countless weeks hand creating this piece. The gallery which the piece currently sits is called Ukama gallery which is in Vancouver, Canada. The gallery opened its doors in 2005 and specializes in stone sculptures from over 200 highly skilled artists from the Zimbabwe area. The collaboration with these international artists is a great way to show the different ways in which artists express their artistic views and works from across the world. The statue itself has dimensions of 68" x 30" x 20". The date created was not given. 


    When brainstorming ideas of different art pieces to write about I was trying to think of famous pieces that have made an impact on me. While I was doing this I had a realization that the most powerful art piece which I have made a connection was at an art gallery near my home which I would pass daily. I first stumbled upon this art piece during a morning run where the statue was on the front display. It was from this moment on that the piece portrayed a very powerful presence and caught my attention every time passing by. The connection I have made with this art piece goes beyond any other work of art I have ever been in the presence of because of the power and beauty that the piece possesses. The time and dedication put into this art piece give me a greater appreciation since the details that are evident are a direct result of the time used to create the piece. A Lioness is an animal of great power and strength and often is seen as one of the most respected and feared animals in nature. I told myself that if I was ever in a financial position where I could purchase an expensive piece of art that this would be my first purchase. I now associate this piece with strength, good luck, and power which is what the sculpture demonstrates to me. 

Ukama Gallery

“Contemporary Stone Sculpture: Ukama Gallery: Vancouver, Canada.” Ukamagallery,


  1. Garrett, I find it very fascinating and cool that you were searching for an art piece that has impacted you and picking this one. My spirit animal is a lion and I associate the animal with power, authority, and simply the king of the jungle. I saw that you associated this statue with the similar things, great!

    One question, I am wondering how this sculpture brings good luck to you? Is it because a lion is your spirit animal or why is that?

  2. Hello Garrett, excellent work on your Art Analysis post! I think this piece is captivating and very beautifully assembled! I think that collaboration with international artists is so fascinating; there are so many beautiful places in the world to visit and so much rich history to learn about. It is very beautiful that you were able to build a connection with this piece of art to nature, I love how you associate it with strength and ability. This sculpture is absolutely eye catching, and I admire the texture they achieved as well as the shape of the animal.


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