Renaissance Blog

 Renaissance Blog


    The art piece shared above is a famous painting known worldwide by artist Michelangelo. The piece is from the Italian Renaissance and ages back to the year 1512. It can be found forming part of the Sistine Chapel ceiling which is located in the Apostolic Palace, Vatican City. The Chapel is known for having numerous amounts of historical art pieces and is an important location by many around the world because of its beauty. 

    The detail in the painting inspires me especially the small details in the facial expressions and the body positioning. When looking at the facial expressions I see the importance in both Men's faces while touching hands and the importance of this moment. Also, the body positioning of both men shows beauty and relaxation which gives off a sense of comfort. From a quick glance, it is obvious that there is a connection in touch between humans and the fingers connecting show that powerful moment, what may not be taken from first glance is how this painting reflects the creation of Adam who is known to be the first man. Coming from a religious family The story of Adam and Eve has been told for years and understanding the importance of Adam brings a greater appreciation for this painting. It takes me back to when I was a young boy learning about the Adam and Eve story for the first time from my mother, The deeper meaning of the painting is the real reason why I find this painting so intriguing. Within the painting, many other details are worth noting such as the age shown in the cracks going up and down the painting, as well as the beauty in the male body which can be seen through the transparency shown of the male body. 

When looking at the contrast between the warm and cool colors it really brings the painting to life. Behind Adam, we see cool shades of blue and green which drain the painting's sense of life. In contrast to this, we see the figure of God being surrounded by colorful characters that can be seen as bringing this painting to life. This contrast between the painting really brings out mixed emotions to the viewer since one side of the painting is dry and lifeless versus the other side showing color and hope. Besides the colors used we see lines and shape present within the backdrop of the painting. Behind both characters in the painting, we see lines and shapes that bring out the purpose of the painting which is the characters themselves. Having these lines and shapes bring our focus upfront to where the painter intended the viewer's eyes to be looking. 

    Although the painting is so beautiful and meaningful I would never own a copy of it. Currently, I have nowhere to place art pieces so I haven't started my collection just yet. When I start my art collection I plan on having modern pieces which is why I don't see myself having a copy of this painting. 

    This painting is unique to me since I have the ability to connect to the piece and the meaning behind it. I came familiar with the work through social media but have never gotten the chance to visit it in person. 


    We are able to see Humanism in this work of art by the natural beauty instilled in human nature in this case Adam. The painting is The creation of Adam as stated by smart history and has an emphatic on the importance of humans and how precious we are. 


Zappella, Christine, and Christine Zappella. “Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.” Smarthistory,

“The Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.,

Share with your audience in detail how the art elements found in the work inspire awe (or not) and what emotions are elicited. What about the presentation? Would you own a copy of it? Is there a backstory to this work, and if so, how do you relate to it?
Share with your audience in detail how the art elements found in the work inspire awe (or not) and what emotions are elicited. What about the presentation? Would you own a copy of it? Is there a backstory to this work, and if so, how do you relate to it?


  1. Hi Garrett,
    I really enjoyed your work and especially the mural you chose to use in this blog! I too used the same one and I found it to be one of the most inspiring works of art ever created, just the emotion that it arises in a person is incredible. I also found it interesting that it is not just this work, but all of the ceiling painted, which is even more impressive. I see that it is humanism that you can wrote about in this work and it is more than obvious why.
    I would not agree with you about not wanting to own a copy - even though I am in the same situation as you ( I also do not have a place to put it) I would really love to get a copy of this and if I would, I am sure I would find a place for it!
    Overall this was a great post!
    Good job!

  2. The Creation of Adam is definitely one of the most iconic and well-known pieces of artwork in the entire work, from Shanghai to Berlin I am very certain that if you showed it to anyone they would recognize it. It certainly brings on the humanistic thinking of the time with how detailed and accurate in making Adam look, and indeed lifelike.

  3. Hello Garrett,

    Wow, I enjoyed this reading a lot. Great work in this post and research about the creation of Adam. I like the way you explain and talk about the different art elements and techniques that Michelangelo used to bring this painting to life. Different types of shading, the combination fo warm and cold colors etc. The natural beauty of this art is astonishing which I love and therefore I would gladly own a piece of this art work. I am interested in your thought process about only wanting to own modern art pieces. I respect that a lot, even though I would like to own a combination of both old and new.

  4. Hello Garrett,

    I think that you did a great job when picking artwork for this discussion. The Creation of Adam is a great piece of art and is famous worldwide as you mentioned. Before reading your post, I did not know that it is located in Vatican City. Just like you, I enjoy the small details of this painting. I can see emotion in the faces and Michelangelo does a great job displaying it with the color contrast as you mentioned. I agree with you that humanism can be related to this piece. Your blog post makes me want to see this painting in real life.
    Great post!


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