Baroque Blog

 Baroque Blog


    This painting by Artemisia Gentileschi is known as Judith Beheading Holofernes and is not easily forgotten because of its graphic imagery. The painting was created while Artemisia was still a teenager being 18 or 19 years old and was completed in the year 1611-12. The exact location where the painting was created is unknown. The artist is known to have struggled personally having been raped by her mentor at the young age of 17. Perhaps this traumatizing life event that tragically took place is a reason why we see her work being violent towards men. Artemisia comes from a deep family of artists having her father Orazio Gentileschi be a successful baroque painter. 


    The painting shows us a dramatic scene where two females look over a male getting his throat slashed graphically. This is a very powerful painting as shown because of the dark background and colors used. From this painting, it is obvious that the artist did a great job of using colors to contrast the scene to where the visual point of the art piece is intended to be. Having the background of the scene blacked out makes for an unpleasant setting and also brings our eyes forward to where the color on the canvas really is. In the center of the painting, we can see the two ladies wearing cool colors such as yellow and blue to portray their innocence whereas we see the victim covered in a red blanket which the color can be associated with the Devil and evil. The main focus of this painting is the slaughtering of the man and the colors and background used near the bottom of the canvas do a great job of really bringing this to life. Having the Male lay on a bed covered in white sheets creates a blank canvas in which the viewer can see all of the blood pouring down from his neck, the red on the sheets brings out the action which the whole painting is portraying.  The gradual shift from darkness into light brings a three-dimensional effect to the flat canvas. Also, the space which is shown between the characters portrays a hostile environment as the ladies are holding the male down against his will. This painting can be tied to royalty since in the painting we see lavish items such as jewelry, sword, and dresses. In these times it was only the wealthy and high class who could afford to obtain these luxury goods. Often within royalty, there was backstabbing and murders due to status. 


    Personally, I would not own this type of piece since it is too vulgar for my liking and I would have no setting where it would be a proper fit. This piece did not motivate me nor excite me because of its dark theme, rather it reminded me of the movie I watched a few days back called Gladiator. Reflecting on the movie and how there was numerous sword fighting scenes mad eme connects to the painting. The emotions which this painting brings out include disgust, and anger. 


White, K. (2020, October 15). Artemisia Gentileschi's 'Judith Beheading Holofernes' Is a Touchstone of Feminist Art History. Here Are 3 Things You Might Not Know About the Gory Masterpiece. Retrieved from

Artemisia Gentileschi: Judith and Holofernes (ca. 1620). (n.d.). Retrieved from


  1. Hello Garrett,
    I really enjoyed your work! Also I have to agree with you, that I too would not own a piece like this, because while I recognize it as the style of Baroque, I have a few other Baroque art pieces, that seem a bit more humane and lively. I have noticed that a lot of the Baroque art was associated with dark and forceful acts, for example the work I looked at was called "The Rape of Proserpina" - this is not a plug, but I advise to take a look at it, for the detail on the sculpture is amazing.
    Overall, this was a great post! Good job!

  2. Hello Garrett,

    My first impression is that the art piece does not appeal to me. I agree with you about not wanting to own this piece, it is too cruel and barbaric for me and that is why I probably would not own this piece. You made a great description about what is happening in the painting and it makes me understand the meaning behind it better. I like your connection to the movie The Gladiator because it is actually my favorite movie of all time. If I could anything I would say that the Baroque era and its style was using more of a dynamic and vibrant image with helps of more colors and I can see this in this painting.

    I think it is so cool, but also nothing that I like, how our society has changed, wealth and luxury has gone from owning beautiful art pieces to social media followers showing status in the society.
    Great post Garrett!

  3. Hi Garrett,
    I disagree with you, I would like to own such a piece. Looking at the art, it is dark, aggressive, and shows death. It is no less vulgar or barbarian than today’s media when dealing with killing or death, for example, the tv show The Boys or the Marvel movie Dead Pool. I also see it reminds you of the movie gladiator, if it’s the same gladiator movie I have seen, I rather enjoyed the film. This is more than likely just a difference of opinion in what we like and that is ok. I have yet to see your posts before, and I have to say I love the format and how you break down each piece of the assignment into a digestible and understandable way. Making it clear which section you are discussing. I like that you break down the colors and the meaning behind them in the context of not only the time they were painted but also the painting itself. Great post!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hello Garrett,

    I like the artwork that you chose for this blog post. I like how raw and powerful this painting is even though it is showing something very graphic in detail. Like many other baroque artworks this piece by Artemisia Gentileschi is dramatic and as you mentioned the artist made great choice of colors to display the emotion. Just like you, I would not own this type of painting because it is too vulgar for my liking. I think that you would enjoy the painting I chose for my blog post, you should check it out and see the differences and similarities are for them because they are both baroque paintings. I also like how you made the connection with this painting and royalty. Great post!

  6. Hey Garrett,
    I really enjoyed reading your analysis of this painting. Although this specific piece is a little too graphic for my liking, I can see why you chose it. The actual painting is amazing, especially with the way they contrasted the back, it has a very dark theme to it. Speaking of themes, I agree with you that the painting probably does have a connection to Artemisia getting raped and the fact that the women in the painting are killing this man. I like your attention to detail and the time you spent researching the painting really shows!

  7. Hi Garrett,

    My first thought of this painting was, “Wow…” I would agree, this painting is graphic and detailed. I am mind blown thinking of Artemisia painting this while she was just a teenager. I’ve never heard of this painting or artist until now, and from your analysis, It is crazy to imagine the struggles Artemisia went through in her younger years.

    I agree with your analysis. The artist did an amazing job of using a dark background to help show the colors. Honestly, I would not own such a visual painting of this as well. Mainly because of the graphic imagery and emotions it can give. Thank you for sharing your views on this painting!

  8. Hi!

    This is a very gruesome painting. It's hard to believe that Artemisia was only 18 -19 years old when she painted this. The details in the painting are incredible, the sheets on the bed and the fold details. The use of lighting; is unquestionably a Baroque painting. I also love that she was a female artist and that the story behind this painting is about a heroic female. Judith saves her town by beheading the enemy. I hope you have the opportunity to check out the UAF art department BFA exhibition. Carson Frank did a painting that I believe was inspired by this painting by Artemisia. I found it extremely interesting!

    Great Blog!!

  9. Hi! I think the piece you chose was an interesting one, it is as you said, a gruesome painting and it is crazy to think the artist was so young when creating this. This piece of art actually appeals to me, because it shows so much emotion through the detail, and then finding out the history of the artist adds a layer of appeal. Although this piece does appeal to me, I do not think I would want to own a copy of it for myself. You where able to connect this piece of art with royalty and the murder and backstabbing that went on during that time, and I think this piece represents that well.


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